INSPIRE findings

The INSPIRE community has described an approach to provide INSPIRE Download services using OGC API Features. This document reviews this approach for various products used in the testbed.

Similar to Atom the Main principles of the approach indicate to set up a single api endpoint for this dataset. Both GeoServer and LDProxy offer capabilitiy to set up multiple endpoint within a single service, for pygeoapi we have to set up a new service.

Requirements class “INSPIRE-pre-defined-data-set-download-OAPIF”

MRCO Aspect pygeoapi GeoServer LDProxy Comment
M Supports OpenApi 3.0 + + + GeoHealthCheck found issues in GeoServer and pygeoapi
M /collections has metadata link for dataset + - ? pygeoapi is flexible for configuring any type of links
C If HTML endoding, /collections has metadata link as html + - ?
C For harmonised datasets, on collection level a should be included to feature concept dictionary + - ?
R For harmonised datasets, collectionid should match featuretype from IR + ? ?
M /colections has link to license + - ?
R License information in accordance with openapi + - - OpenAPI fields info/termsOfService or info/license are mentioned

M Mandatory, C Conditional, R Recommended, O Optional

Requirements class INSPIRE-multilinguality

All aspects are conditional, in case the dataset is multilingual. pygeoapi landed a multiligual feature recently, other products seem to not have multilingual capabilities.

MRCO Aspect pygeoapi GeoServer LDProxy Comment
C Support accept-language header + - -
R Behaviour on no matching lang B B B Returns default language
C Content language header + - -
R Language support at all paths + - -
M hreflang on enclosure links + - -

M Mandatory, C Conditional, R Recommended, O Optional

Requirements class “INSPIRE-OAPIF-GeoJSON”

MRCO Aspect pygeoapi GeoServer LDProxy Comment
R document encoding rules to geojson ? ? ? no efforts yet

M Mandatory, C Conditional, R Recommended, O Optional

Requirements class “INSPIRE-bulk-download”

MRCO Aspect pygeoapi GeoServer LDProxy Comment
M link to entire dataset + - -
M link has type from inspire mediatypes + - -
R link has length attribute + - -
R link has title attribute + - -

M Mandatory, C Conditional, R Recommended, O Optional

Requirements class “INSPIRE-CRS”

MRCO Aspect pygeoapi GeoServer LDProxy Comment
R at least 1 supported CRS from list + + +

M Mandatory, C Conditional, R Recommended, O Optional