Skinning OGC API Features

HTML is a first class citizen in OGC API Common. This means that a typical OGC API can be accessed via a web browser, offering a human readable interface. This aspect brings in a usability aspect that providers previously didn't need to worry about. Aspects such as corporate identity, WCAG (accessibility), search engine optimisation or a cookie/privacy statement.

For the experiment we want to understand how easy it is to update basic aspects on the html visualisation in various OGC API products.


pygeoapi uses jinja templates for html output. These templates are located at ~/pygeoapi/templates. You can override these templates at their location. But you can also set a separate template override folder, where you can place (a part of the) updated templates. Updating the templates requires basic html skills, subsituted parameters are placed in curly braces:

  <footer class="sticky">Powered by <a title="pygeoapi" href="">
    <img src="{{ config['server']['url'] }}/static/img/pygeoapi.png" title="pygeoapi logo" style="height:24px;vertical-align: middle;"/>
    </a> {{ version }}


The implementation of OGC API Records in pycsw is derived from the pygeoapi implementation. The templates are located at ~/pycsw/ogc/api/templates.


QGIS uses similar jinja templates as pygeoapi, you can override the resources folder via the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_API_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY. The standard location of the templates is ~/qgis/resources/server/api/ogc/templates/wfs3.


GeoServer uses Freemarker templates to render content in html. These .ftl files are persisted within .jar files. A basic override approach could be to extract gs-ogcapi-features.jar to a folder, adjust the templates, and zip the package back to a .jar file and deploy it. GeoServer also provides a template override mechanism from the data folder. Read more at a dedicated blog on this topic. Freemarker uses a similar substitution mechanism as jinja:

  <li>Mail: <a href="mailto:${contact.contactEmail}">${contact.contactEmail}</a></li>


The HTML encoding is implemented using Mustache templates. Custom templates are supported, they have to reside in the data directory under the relative path templates/html/{templateName}.mustache, where {templateName} equals the name of a default template (see source code on GitHub) (taken from ldproxy docs).


GeoNetwork offers an experimental OGC API Records implementation at This plugin can be installed on the latest v4 GeoNetwork. GeoNetwork uses xslt to provide a html interface. The xslt templates are located at

  <div class="w-2/3 pr-4">
      <xsl:value-of select="$abstract"/>