GeoHealthCheck (GHC) is an availability and Quality-of-Service (QoS) monitoring solution dedicated to OGC (web-) services. GHC supports both the standard protocols like WMS, WFS, WMTS, CSW etc, APIs in general and the recent OAFeat OGC standard. To learn more, best is to follow a GHC presentation as HTML slides or video.

OAFeat Support

GHC supports the OGC OAFeat standard with two basic checks (called "Probes"):

  • OAFeat endpoint traversal, check if all required resources/links are available
  • full OAS schema validation


GHC is part of the Admin Stack in the testbed.

GeoHealthCheck has Docker Images available at DockerHub and uses a standard PostgreSQL/PostGIS database for persistence.

GHC runs with three Docker containers:

  • GHC Web Application (ghc_web)
  • GHC Runner (runs the actual checks) (ghc_runner)
  • GHC Postgres database stores check config and results (ghc_db)


GHC needs quite some variables (around 31, though many defaults apply). These are all configured once in ghc.env. Many variables represent credentials like email and database configuration. These are bundled as etc_environment in and forwarded from the encrypted Ansible file vars.yml.

    - name: "admin"
      shell: "cd {{ services_home }}/admin && ./ && docker ps"
      tags: admin