Setup QGIS Server

qgis is a desktop as well as a server solution. The server solution provides typical OGC services sucha as WMS, WFS. Since recently also OGC API Features is available.

Deployed docker image from Following the hints from and


I had a hard time finding in documentation what the url is to open ogc api features endpoint, it appears to be '/qgis/wfs3'. I assume this will likely be changed in upcoming versions.

Somehow the feature collections are not loaded, although the WMS is able to display them

Container Write Permission

Could not use the default /etc/qgisserver/project.qgs Docker volume mapping, as the referenced GPKG files needed write access (for WAL files) in that dir. The solutions was to set QGIS_PROJECT_FILE explicitly. However it resulted in a working situation, but the project file could not be located by the service. So I restored the situation. It means we still have no write privileges in the data folder.

      # Must override default to allow write access e.g. GPKG WALs for www-data user
      - QGIS_PROJECT_FILE:/myqgisserver/project.qgs

      #- PGSERVICEFILE:If you want to change the default of /etc/qgisserver/pg_service.conf
      #- QGIS_PROJECT_FILE:If you want to change the default of /etc/qgisserver/project.qgs
      #- MAX_REQUESTS_PER_PROCESS:The number of requests a QGIS server will serve before being restarted by apache
      #- QGIS_CATCH_SEGV:1

      # Map data and config into container
      - ./data:/myqgisserver

Publish layers as WFS on the project

I ran into the problem that the layers were displayed on the WMS capabilities, but not as collections on ogc api features. I requested help from the qgis mailinglist, but no direct solution. Until Allesandro Pasotti pointed me on the fact that I have to activate WFS on layers before they are available via WFS and OGC API Features. You can set WFS access via project properties > QGIS Server > WFS.